Sunday, 5 January 2014

Poem #21: "Meltdown Mode"

This poem is about an autistic meltdown.

"Meltdown Mode"

clicking clicking clicking
repetitive sound
drowned fires, burning tornadoes
in my arm
clicking clicking clicking
see the beauty of the monarch butterflies
in my stomach.

ticking ticking ticking
as if time didn't realize
the sounds are screaming out
in silence
ticking ticking ticking
Mom, the clock is sad
I feel it in my collar-bone

ringing dinging dinging
the blobs of darkness animate at night
as if their voices, never heard,
wanted to connect with someone
THEIR age.
Mom, turn up the lights
the green and purple darknesses are blinding
the blobs are deafening
I need my light and sound

whirr whirr whirr
soft breeze on my face
the breeze stops, spinning blades materialize
but Mom
I'm crying out in pain
my autism is playing with me
the fan is relaxing and the darkness is blinding
I can't take it anymore

(c) TheLegendaryDreamer
Written September 2012.

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